Artur Olender

Droga [The Way]

2017 r.

Tierra del Fuego. A desert burnt out by the sun. Night and desert. And the rocks. And on those rocks so red, the side-severed shell of the yacht Nashachata. And all around the wild-whipping ocean. A hurricane scale wind of 220 km an hour. A wave that swallowed the red miniscule of life like a whale, spat it out in the density of night onto the rocks of the reef. If it had not been for those rocks we would have been smashed to mere smithereens on the cliffs of the shore of Sloggett Bay. Desert, night, the ocean and rocks, and upon this life’s wreck. As if in a pulped and pulverised tin of beans, as if sprats in oil escaping from the damaged engine, a few shipwrecked souls. We were thrown up by the mercy of the elements: of fire, of water, and of the wind. Helpless. As if God had walked past.

Somewhere at the end of the world
Mists in a night of snow
Dead in embalmed silence
I hear your name

A fiery desert
The cliffs of Sloggett Bay
The way has begun
Mists in a night of snow

1. Alfa [Alpha]
2. On [He]
3. Droga [The Way]
4. Metanoia
5. Konie [Horses]
6. One
7. Looking in your eyes
8. Dwutlenek miłości [Love Dioxide]
9. Żeglarze [Sailors]
10. Groza nagłych cisz [The Threat of Sudden Silences]
11. Do widzenia [We’ll Meet Again]
12. Omega
13. Groza [Dread] – supplement

Artur Olender – music and lyrics (except for “One”)
Szymon Zych – vocals
Katarzyna Malenda – vocals
Karolina Boczkaja – vocals
Marcin Bors – guitars, percussion instruments, keyboard instruments
Artur Michalski – keyboards
Wojciech Famieec – bass
Dawid Niziurski – percussion
Piotr Grodecki – guitars
Jakub Żytecki – guitars
Lidia Jazgar – recital (“Do widzenia” [We’ll Meet Again])
Marek Kubiszyn – trumpet,
Marcin Wołowiec – trombone
Krzysztof Kowalczyk – saxophones

Choir for “Do widzenia” [We’ll Meet Again] – Monika, Marian, Bartosz and Artur Olender, Zofia, Marysia, Anita, Waldemar, Franek and Kuba Zych, Elżbieta, Jerzy, Ewa and Kuba Gaweł, Karolinka, Michał and Filip Kozioł, Robert and Helenka Majewska

“One” – lyrics: Szymon Zych; music: Szymon Zych, Karolina Boczkaja, Michał Wszołek, Michał Pawluśkiewicz, Adam Śliwa, Taiga Kuśmider

Recording production – Marcin Bors, Szymon Orchowski
Music production, mixing, mastering – Marcin Bors@Fonoplastykon
Aleksander Wilk – recording of choirs and recitation („Do widzenia” [We’ll Meet Again])
Krzysztof Cyran – preproduction

The recording was produced at the Custom 34 Studio, Fonoplastykon and Studio 2002

Photos of El Camino – Artur Olender

Special thanks to:
Sławomir Mroczek, Piotr Łukaszewski, Agnieszka Łukaszewska, Leszek Adamczyk, Wojciech Jędrzejewski, Wojciech Byrski, Waldemar Zych, Maciej Potoczny

Artur Olender – Droga [The Way]
Artur Olender – Droga [The Way]
Artur Olender – Droga [The Way]

Piotr Damasiewicz & Dominik Wania

The Way, The Truth, and The Life – According to Artur Olender


Buen Camino

Noc Ciemna

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Buen Camino

Warto żyć [Living is Worth it]

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Buen Camino

2019 r.

Artur Olender

Droga [The Way]

2017 r.

Artur Olender

Snu cień [Shadow of Dream]

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Twarz [Face]

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